通过完全集成的解决方案节省时间和金钱! 第1部分:完全集成的工厂解决方案


食品加工厂被要求提高可追溯性, 提高生产效率, 管理食品安全, 自动化生产, 增加市场份额. All that adds to the fact that food processing plants can be very complex environments. In order to simplify plant operations and achieve operational efficiencies, 工厂经理依赖技术解决方案, 通常包括各种拉菲2注册登录和硬件组件. 这就是解决方案集成成为关键的地方. Adopting fully integrated software and hardware solutions can help reduce costs, 降低复杂性,简化生产流程.

To reduce project costs and overall spending a lot of processing plants will do their own integration instead of purchasing fully integrated “plug-and-play” solutions. 例如, 而不是购买一个完整的解决方案来称重和标签产品, some plants will buy each component separately only to realize there is no easy way to get their scale to communicate with their printer. Or processors will implement large ERP systems to control the processing plant at a high level, but those plants struggle to get production and inventory information off the plant floor and into their ERP system. 最后, fully integrated solutions can save a plant time and money while also increasing plant floor efficiency.


              A fully integrated solution seamlessly brings together multiple pieces of hardware and/or software into a cohesive working solution. There are a lot of vendors that sell individual pieces of equipment into processing plants. Plants then, typically, hire full time staff or consultants to try and connect everything together. The previous example of tying 尺度 and 打印机 together is a simple but good example. 一个供应商可能会把标签打印机卖给处理器, or the processor might buy their label 打印机 directly off an e-commerce site to save money. That same processor might also have a separate scale vendor that sells and maintains the plant’s production 尺度. Integration is the piece that brings the scale and printer together into a weighing and labeling solution. The complexity of integration goes far beyond simply plugging the printer into the scale. 才能获得有效的生产标签, 这种情况下的集成需要, 尺度, 打印机, 标签格式设计, 数据库产品文件管理, 标签拉菲2注册登录, 打印机配置和正确的通信. Having the knowledge of the hardware and software and solid experience in integrating these solution pieces are the keys to a successful integration. 缺乏解决方案集成会导致挫败感, 额外的成本, 整个工厂效率低下.


完全集成的解决方案非常重要,原因如下. 首先,一个完全集成的解决方案可以 减少挫败感 无论是在办公室还是在工厂. 通常, frustration stems from a processing plant having to manage too many systems to accomplish a single task. 例如,标签管理可能是一个常见的挫折来源. A processor that doesn’t have seamless integration between their product information, 它们的标签格式, and their 尺度 will end up wasting a lot of time and effort creating label formats. Instead of being able to use single a dynamic label format for the majority their products, 他们最终为每个PLU制作了单独的标签格式. 这增加了创建格式的总体工作量, and it makes trying to maintain large amounts of label formats almost impossible.

              Too often processors avoid fully integrated solutions as a cost and time saving measure. They believe that they can reduce the overall cost of a project if each component of a solution is purchased separately. 然而, a lack of integration will add overall cost and time to a project or solution. 当一个工厂项目启动时,有两种选择. The first option is to shop independently for each component and buy each item at the lowest cost possible. 理论上,这看起来是个不错的选择, 然而, the amount of time and resources spent comparing costs and products will add a significate expense to a project. 即便如此,许多加工厂仍然选择走这条路. Once all the individual components are purchased there is the painful and time consuming task of creating a solution with all the individually purchased components. 这种方法需要经验, 而这些知识往往是加工厂所不能提供的.

The second option is to choose a trusted “plug-and-play” system that is already fully integrated and ready to go. 前期价格可能看起来更高, but the cost and time savings will come through in the execution and delivery of a fully integrated solution. 一次又一次, 处理器试图通过将解决方案拼凑在一起来节省资金, 但最后, 他们为更少的解决方案付出更多.

查看我们的博客系列 召回的管理!

完全集成的解决方案也可以 显著提高工厂整体生产力和效率. Having a seamless solution prevents processors from using work arounds and patch work “fixes” to accomplish production goals. 通过在工厂部署完全集成的解决方案, problems can be addressed at a higher solution level as opposed to a component level. 操作速度变慢或解决失败, the integrated solution provider becomes the single point of contact to resolve the issue. This prevents the processor from having to bounce around between various component vendors to try and have the issue resolved. Problems are resolved faster, and there is less finger pointing between vendors. 最后, fully integrated solutions also allow a processing plant to reduce the number of vendors they need to deal with. 减少供应商的总数有助于消除混乱, and it expedites processes for getting solutions purchased and installed in a timely manner.


Over the next couple months this blog series will focus on the various types of fully integrated solutions that can be implemented across the entire span of a processing plant. 拉菲2在线登录注册拥有超过30年的开发经验, 配置, 安装和支持完全集成的解决方案. These solutions have helped countless numbers of food processors reduce inefficiencies and increase production throughput. Next month our series will start on the harvest floor of a processing plant. We will cover how a fully integrated solution can begin the traceability process from the time an animal walks into the processing plant and how solution integration can improve operational efficiencies within the harvest floor area.
